• I spent 2 years developing a taste for beer; Bend is a craft beer mecca and I was not going to let that go to waste.
  • I love movies, the theater, poetry, reading, sci-fi, psychology, crime shows, comedies, puzzles, and games. 

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible."

-T.E. Lawrence

To compete in today’s marketplace, you need to be where the people are–and the people are online. A strong digital marketing strategy will make a big impact on your bottom line, whether you’re a startup or a seasoned entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurs have not chosen an easy road. The uncertainties are all too real. The worries that hit at night when sleep won’t come and fears grow big. All the “Am I doing enough’s?” And the effect your business has on your family and personal life.

If You Don’t Have a Website, You’re Losing Business

In today’s marketplace, you can’t afford to not be online. To get new leads, you need to be where the people areA strong digital marketing strategy will make a big impact on your bottom line, whether you’re a startup or a seasoned entrepreneur.

Qualified leads, brand awareness, increased revenue.

Professional Web Design

Because you can’t afford to make a bad first impression.

Your customers are searching

for you online.

More than 80% of people now use the internet to research products and services before purchasing. We consumers shop around! And according to recent research, over half of the people visiting a website do so from a mobile device.

A professional, mobile-friendly website is no longer optional to compete in today’s market. You can’t afford to not show up.

Your Website May Be the First

Impression You Make

Make It A Good One

Website titles: Abel

Text: Lucida Sans Unicode

You’ve just launched a business and are proud to rank among the entrepreneurs. (Congratulations!) Or maybe you’ve been in business awhile and are struggling. There aren’t enough customers or resources to make your company the success you know it can be. 

A defined brand and strong digital marketing strategy will set you apart and build connections with your customers. and make a big impact on your bottom line. Regardless of what stage your business is in.

Qualified leads, brand awareness, increased revenue

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible." “In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is failing. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.” ― Seth Godin, Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable

-T.E. Lawrence

"As consumers, we’re too busy to pay attention to advertising, but we’re desperate to find good stuff that solves our problems.”

Seth Godin, Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable

If You Don’t Have a Website, You’re Losing Business

In order to compete in today’s marketplace, you need to be where the people are – and the people are online. Leads that come through referrals and networking can only take you so far. If you’re just starting out or your business is struggling, a strong digital marketing strategy will have a big impact on your bottom line.

 Qualified leads, brand awareness, increased revenue

You need a website. But all websites are not created equal. If your site doesn’t look good, function well, and deliver content the way people expect, potential customers will turn away. Even worse, they may never come back.

A website is the backbone of a successful digital marketing strategy.

A great website is one of the hardest working members of your team, 24/7, 7 days a week. With minimal upkeep, it will build brand awareness, bring qualified leads, and increase your revenue.

Brand Awareness, Qualified Leads, Increased Revenue

Welcome to my Design Room

Come On In And Chat

Image of responsive website on a laptop, tablet, and smart phone.

The owner of Bend Janitorial wanted a website and rebrand for his company. Scott contracted a fullly responsive, 4-page website, setup for future blog page, a company logo, a refresh of his company colors, and new business cards.

We met together for a brainstorming session, discussed company history, mission, vision, values, goals, and talked about concepts for the logo.



Superior Customer Care

The owner of Bend Janitorial wanted a website and rebrand for his company. Scott contracted a fullly responsive, 4-page website, blog setup, a company logo, a refresh of his company colors, and new business cards.

We met together for a brainstorming session and discussed company history, mission, vision, values, and future plans. We also discussed concepts for the logo and goals for the project.

During the meeting I made a list of qualities that are an integral part of the company. The following rose to the top, and make up the foundation of Bend Janitorial. These became the foundation of the brand:



Strong Work Ethic

Superior Customer Care

CM Adventures is a campervan rental company based out of Bend, Oregon. The company is just starting up and contracted a website and logo.

When we met, we talked about the company’s vision and future plans, and discussed the functions of the website. We also talked about concepts for colors and logo. 

CM Adventures social sharing icon

Social sharing icon

CM Adventures social sharing icon

Social sharing icon


Your customers are searching

for you online

More than 80% of people now use the internet to research products and services before purchasing. We consumers shop around! And according to recent research, over half of the people visiting a website do so from a mobile device.

But all websites are not created equal. If your site doesn’t look good, function well, and deliver content the way people expect, potential customers will leave. Even worse, they may never come back.

A professional, mobile-friendly website is no longer optional to compete in today’s market. You can’t afford to not show up.

Your Website May Be the First

Impression You Make

Make Sure It’s A Good One

Your website is the cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy

A Showcase for Your Brand

Image of three strawberries, two red and one pale blue right in the middle, with "be unique" in blue.

You’ve just launched a business and are proud to rank among the entrepreneurs. (Congratulations!) Or maybe you’ve been in business awhile and are struggling. There aren’t enough customers or resources to make your company the success you know it can be. 

Take a step back and ask yourself:

  • Can your potential customers or clients see immediately what makes you different?
  • And why they should choose you over your competitors?
  • When they’re searching for solutions to their problems, do they find you? Or are you hidden in the crowd?

A clearly defined brand and strong marketing strategy will set you apart and get you in front of the people who are looking for you. A winning strategy no matter what stage your business is in.

Branding and Marketing Packages

Visual Branding and Voice $1,375

Visual identity package:


  • Full color and grayscale versions of logo for digital and print use in JPG, PNG and Vector formats, full-color and black and white versions of favicon (social sharing icon) in JPG and PNG formats.
  • Two designs to choose from with two revisions


  • Typography: font styles, spacing, line height, heading styles
  • Colors
  • Define company personality and voice (tone)
  • Graphic Style Guide, full-color printed and digital file (pdf)

Package specs:

  • Defines visual design for company
  • Sets graphic standards to be used across print and digital platforms to attain consistency in company brand
  • Includes workbooks and branding workshop
  • Client to supply company mission statement, vision, value statement

Marketing Strategy and Positioning $2,250


  • Establish company mission statement, vision, values
  • Clarify values proposition, differentiation
  • Market Segmentation, define audience, niche marketing, identify potential customers
  • Develop persona of ideal customer with custom avatar
  • SWOT  analysis
  • Brand story, positioning, messaging

Digital Marketing Plan

  • Determine effective social media and blog strategies
  • Blog template/outline to follow when writing effective blog posts
  • Branding and setup for up to two social media channels
  • Google My Business setup
  • Discuss Google analytics, metrics

Package specs:

  • Establishes company positioning
  • Identifies target market
  • Isolates internal and external risks and weaknesses and determines strategic solutions
  • Capitalizes on company strengths and opportunities
  • Sets marketing direction  with measurable goals

Website Packages

Single-Page Website $550

Fully branded and mobile friendly, a one-page site is an excellent starting point for many businesses and entrepreneurs. Your website will have 7 short sections, which generally include:

  • Overview of your company and products
  • Description of services or products
  • About Us
  • Testimonials
  • Mini photo gallery
  • Hours of operation
  • Contact Info

Price includes:

  • SEO: meta description, alt tags
  • Licensing of up to 7 stock images, optimized for web use
  • Site maintenance training with support tutorials

Single-page sites can easily be developed into multi-page sites at a later date.

Basic 4-Page Brochure Site $950

A brochure site is the online version of a company brochure. Fully branded website with 4 developed pages of your choosing, typically:

  • Home
  • Services or Products
  • About Us
  • Contact

Price includes:

  • SEO: meta description, alt tags for two pages
  • Licensing of up to 12 stock images, optimized for web use
  • Site maintenance training with support tutorials
Image of r Bend Janitorial's website on multiple devices

5-Page Expanded Brochure Site $1,850

Fully branded website with five developed pages, dropdown menus, and up to five internal pages.

  • Five pages on navigation menu, with optional dropdown menu
  • Up to Five internal pages, in-depth product or service descriptions, photo galleries, etc.
  • Blog set-up is optional and can count as one of your navigational pages

Price includes:

  • SEO: meta description, alt tags for four pages
  • Licensing of up to 20 stock images, optimized for web use
  • One slideshow or photo gallery
  • Site maintenance training with support tutorials

Website and Branding $2,950

Excellent value for startups

You get everything in the 5-Page Expanded Brochure Site package, plus branding and a professional logo.


  • Typography: font styles, spacing, line height, heading styles
  • Colors
  • Define company personality and voice (tone)
  • Graphic Style Guide, full-color printed and digital file (pdf)


  • Full color and grayscale versions of logo for digital and print use in JPG, PNG and Vector formats, full-color and black and white versions of favicon (social sharing icon) in JPG and PNG formats.
  • Two designs to choose from with two revisions

Package specs:

  • Defines visual design for company
  • Sets graphic standards to be used across print and digital platforms to attain consistency in company brand

Premium: Website, Branding, and Market Positioning $4,850

Excellent value for startups

You get everything in the Website and Branding Package, plus strategic marketing analysis.


  • Establish company mission statement, vision, values
  • Clarify values proposition, differentiation
  • Market Segmentation, define audience, niche marketing, identify potential customers
  • Develop persona of ideal customer with custom avatar
  • SWOT analysis
  • Brand story, positioning, messaging

Digital Marketing Plan

  • Determine effective social media and blog strategies
  • Blog template/outline to follow when writing effective blog posts
  • Branding and setup for up to two social media channels
  • Google My Business setup
  • Discuss Google analytics, metrics
  • Discuss social media strategy

Package specs:

  • Establishes company positioning
  • Identifies target market
  • Isolates internal and external risks and weaknesses and determines strategic solutions
  • Capitalizes on company strengths and opportunities
  • Sets direction for company with measurable goals